by April Rameé | Feb 26, 2014 | Mystical, Poetry, Travel
Past life, this life, the lives.
Present is the past incarnated in the future.
Future is the present incarnated in the past.
Past is the future incarnated in the present.
Now. Then. When.
Karma ebbs and flows.
Move with the tide.
Synchronistic ride.
More than fate or destiny.
~April Rameé
This poem is inspired by the Goddess card I pulled this morning, Isis. Isis represents past lives according to the card deck. I find it interesting as I journey to NY to practice with Dharma Mittra to reflect upon my life. I think life is a great remembering of the past and who I am. There are moments along the path that I consider a great awakening to the true nature within myself. These past parts of who I was that create who I am. These future ideals that shape the present moment of what I choose and who I become.
This is a draft. I am sure there is more to add at a later date.
by April Rameé | Feb 14, 2014 | Ceremony, Mystical, Poetry, Warrior
Today we set fire to you.
Yes you!
The heart that is cracked, broken.
We lit a fire into your dead pungent remains.
Burned down our regrets.
Purified the soul.
Honored the sacred directions.
Bowed to the full moon goddess of receptivity.
Yes today we set-a-blaze to the heart and sent it out into the river to flow into the infinite sea.
There you can be reborn.
Mother Earth carries your true purpose back into our hearts.
~April Rameé
A year ago on New Years Day my heart broke in a way I have never felt. I lost hope in love, pushed out into sea with no help, stranded, scared, and lost. Synchronistic events led to the physical representation of the heart through my crystal bowl to be broken as well. A crystal bowl I played representing the heart chakra, beautifully tuned, also cracked and no longer sang as if the bowl felt my pain and my heart fall into the abbess.
Finally, after a year, I offered the cracked heart chakra bowl into the river at Rock Creek. Under the full moon we head out through freshly fallen snow, guided by the light of the full Moon Goddess. In a circle of ceremony with dear friends, Mayrose, Anjanaye, Amber, Philly, and Aqeel, we set on fire our pain, let go of the past year, ready to move forward with love full in our hearts. We watched the fire burn within that broken bowl. I watched the letter I wrote to the past consumed by flames. Full moon shined down into our circle. The hands of the Moon wrapped around our hearts, pulling out the discarded sections. We offered the physical representation of the heart to the river in DC, returning crystal to Mother Earth. Into the womb of the all powerful. Mother Earth guides the broken love and transforms the pain, washed and cleansed by the river to flow through the heart of DC.
Let our act of letting go and mending be reflected into the city of DC and lend a healing hand to all beings. May the intentions flow to the sea, evaporate into the air and rained down throughout the world.
I love you. I love you all. Thank you.
by April Rameé | Jan 1, 2014 | Poetry, Travel
Nestled between your arm and the arm of Pachamama.
Tickling breeze
passes through curly waves
of ocean and sand.
Creating music, poetry, dance together,
our dreams become reality.
Manifestation of the divine.
Life to live – – yours and mine – – intertwined.
Vintage as fine wine.
~April Rameé
by April Rameé | Dec 25, 2013 | Poetry, Travel
Calls echo throughout the high tree tops.
Sitting at the core.
Encircle….surround sound.
The echos flash about.
Each call, song, communication abound.
Purpose true and sound.
Cacophony ::::: Symphony
~April Rameé
View from Crystal Castle in Australia. Private day spent in beauty on Christmas. Inspiration for the poem.
Buddha Pond at Crystal Castle
by April Rameé | Nov 4, 2013 | Poetry, Travel, Warrior
While visiting the land of my ancestors in northern Georgia in late October, I learned about the Cherokee War Woman. The Cherokee is a matriarchal society were children took on the last name of the woman, the women were equal to men, owned all the possessions, and more. There is a certain type of Cherokee woman, the War Woman, who sits in tribal council, makes decisions on war, and also fights alongside her fellow warriors. This war woman is beyond inspiring and feels natural to me to understand her spirit. I also discovered a book that changed my life in the sweet mountains of Georgia, Warrior of the Light by Paulo Coelho. Around the fire during the full moon, lunar eclipse I wrote the following poem for all the warriors out there, men and woman, howled at the moon, and gave this poem to the fire.
Warrior, War Woman
Howl at the Moon.
Warrior of the light,
Us war women are.
Forgive and let go.
Let go of the past, present, and future.
How can we run with fierce perception and focus into the task, purpose
with pure love if the rock of time holds down the shoulders of strength?
Warrior, War Woman.
Shine your light bright.
Warrior of the light,
Us war women are.
Catch and carry the moon bow.
How else can we love with indifference, independence
love the highest within our brother and sisters
if the innocence, elusiveness of the moon is not harnessed into the weapon of the light,
by the warrior.
Warrior of the light.
~April Rameé
War Woman
by April Rameé | Oct 21, 2013 | Poetry
Naked nestled in your soft embrace
Transcending libido for the greenness of the soul
Each limb tickled by different lovers’ tongues
Concentric ripples, aroused nipples
Flowing as a river, wet, free, wild, yet contained
Carving own paths through less traveled mountains
Placing the heart out on the line
Giving fully to the divine
Many shy away in fear
Of a love so deep and deer
Similar to Adams needle
Pure, white blooms towards the earth
Lingam hidden within the pointed
Soft walls of the yoni
Yang and yin in quiet dance
Pure, sensual for the world to see
But only if you can gaze upwards
See the beauty of openness
through secret cascading veils.
~April Rameé
Con espiritu zen – cuadros