by April Rameé | Nov 4, 2013 | Poetry, Travel, Warrior
While visiting the land of my ancestors in northern Georgia in late October, I learned about the Cherokee War Woman. The Cherokee is a matriarchal society were children took on the last name of the woman, the women were equal to men, owned all the possessions, and more. There is a certain type of Cherokee woman, the War Woman, who sits in tribal council, makes decisions on war, and also fights alongside her fellow warriors. This war woman is beyond inspiring and feels natural to me to understand her spirit. I also discovered a book that changed my life in the sweet mountains of Georgia, Warrior of the Light by Paulo Coelho. Around the fire during the full moon, lunar eclipse I wrote the following poem for all the warriors out there, men and woman, howled at the moon, and gave this poem to the fire.
Warrior, War Woman
Howl at the Moon.
Warrior of the light,
Us war women are.
Forgive and let go.
Let go of the past, present, and future.
How can we run with fierce perception and focus into the task, purpose
with pure love if the rock of time holds down the shoulders of strength?
Warrior, War Woman.
Shine your light bright.
Warrior of the light,
Us war women are.
Catch and carry the moon bow.
How else can we love with indifference, independence
love the highest within our brother and sisters
if the innocence, elusiveness of the moon is not harnessed into the weapon of the light,
by the warrior.
Warrior of the light.
~April Rameé
![War Woman](
War Woman
by April Rameé | Sep 16, 2013 | Poetry, Travel
I sit a top your peak
Looking out to the sister peaks.
Carvings created over time.
Force, gentle, monumental.
La luna peers down and lights the path.
Gazed upon a cross emanates into an infinite web.
Opening into your essence,
The thousand petal lotus blossoms and surrounds your beauty.
Beams of light display the path in sweet shadows and united curves
You give way from the sharp blazin path true and fast in the solar light.
I bow to your beauty, the grace, your ever elusiveness.
Sister spirit, sister soul, I honor your blessings.
by April Rameé | Sep 15, 2013 | Travel, Yoga
Day 1- Day 2
Friday, September 13- Saturday, September 14, 2013
![Flying into the belly of the mountains. Cuzco](
Flying into the belly of the mountains. Cuzco
Flying over incredible mountains we swoop low and begin descent. Peering out the window, wide-eye and full of joy, the plane takes an immediate turn to the left and I view the Valley of Cuzco. Flying right into the belly of the mountains I can barely contain my joy in my heart. My first time out of the United States, floating from my pervious travel experiences and deep commitment to my personal yoga practice, into the Sacred Valley of Peru. This world is beyond magical! An effortless arrival to Hotel Encantada by a taxi, thanks to the amazing Giancarlo and Hawah, who create an amazing retreat experience but not thanks to my short breath and badly acclimated lungs to the mountains.
![View from Hotel Encantada](
View from Hotel Encantada
Day Two: After an evening of a hot stone massage, sleep, delicious food cooked by Giancarlo, and cocoa tea, I awake fresh and new ready for a beautiful yoga experience facing the mountains of the valley. The sun shining so beautiful and giving me more vitamin D, which according to my doctor I need more of at all times. Please let me oblige, I am not called a sun chaser for no reason! Hawah leads a beautiful practice each and every time I step to the mat in his workshops, classes, and now this retreat. Feeling the connection in my soul, breath, and body we embark upon a journey to discover the town of Cuzco.
First is the famous church in the main square, Cathedral of Santo Domingo. I am not one for touristy type locals and of course my attention span grants me many diversions off the main path. In true amazement I gaze upon the old part of the church which the ancient Incans created, not the part that was embellished upon by the Spaniards, I am not impressed by their work. The Incans on the other hand stacked stones together without any mortar. I notice the number 3, 4, 5, 7, and 12 appear in many different forms.
Random fact: I like counting and noticing numbers. I drew something in the ground at the rainbow room. I am not sure why but here is a picture.
My random drawing in the ground at the rainbow room at the Incan temple.
The beautiful Prana appreciating and touching the amazing stones the Incan’s laid down without mortar. His expression is exactly how I felt as well.
Cave Entry
Exiting the cave. I would really like to do some really cave exploration.
View of the Temple of the Moon where women went together to pray for fertility.
Looking up in the temple of the moon.
View from the top of one mountain
Following this expedition the bus takes up high up on the mountain more, the altitude sickness kicks in hardcore for me at this moment. All the cocoa leaves can’t help this headache, the pains, and shivers going through my body. This is no joke! I keep up with the group as we hike further up the mountain, go through caves, and explore the Temple of the Moon, Sun, and Monkeys. By the end of the day I am so ready to curl up by this fire in the pizza joint, eat some bread, and relax. However at some point after dinner I regain my composure and I am ready to go out on the town! Hawah, Mayrose, Giancarlo, Ameilia and I rock it out in the San square with drums, flute, hoops, dance moves, joy and laughter. An amazing way to complete the evening and I even stumbled upon the famous 12 angle stone on this wall in downtown Cuzco. Here is a picture of me fluting, serenading the ancient Incas and more importantly the women in the street selling the local wares.
![12 angle stone on the street of Cuzco](
12 angle stone on the street of Cuzco
Day Three
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Waking up this morning with the new resolution to not partake in cocoa leaves and just learn to acclimate myself is fresh on the mind. I feel so great today. I think my body prefers hot tea and just delicious food over cocoa leaves. I do not partake in many stimulants and I think the leaves are throwing me a little off kilter. We shall see how this theory works throughout the day since we are hiking up high into the mountains in Pisaq but not before a visit to the animal sanctuary. See photos below:
Parrot on the wire
Flight of the Condor
Condor Feeding
Yay! Spirit Animal. I receive a good licking and kiss from this one 🙂
Just walking around…minding my own business. Watcha doing?
Our arrival to the quaint town of Pisaq on a bus is easy and the beauty in this town is phenomenal. The town is a locals town, there are tourists, but we are not all over the place. Our bus takes us to our accommodations for the next four days, Melissa Wasi. This place is so beautiful! More like a retreat center than a hotel. Ameilia, my roommate for the entire trip, and I set up our little cabin room. It is quaint, cozy, and rustic with large windows facing out in the Eucalyptus tree forest overhead and beautiful tended grounds with flowers, grass, and birds chirping in harmony and glee. Hawah leads an invigorating and leg focused yoga class on the backyard lawn of the main house. This makes me happy because my legs are my weak point in yoga. I focus on that area a lot to gain more flexibility. I am still trying to get my head to my knees, a new goal from just touching the ground with my hands. Not to mention we are about to embark upon a hike for the remainder of the day up the highest mountain/elevation so far in the trip. Higher than Machu Picchu and there are still Incan ruins at the top. After a delicious lunch by Ginacarlo, which let me take a moment to say how grateful and amazing this trip is to have our own Peurvian chef creating native delicacies in a vegetarian format, we start the hike. This hike doesn’t start at the base of the mountain rather at the retreat center. We walk to town, through town, and then to the base of the hike. By this time, I am starting to realize going up is going to be challenging. Bracing myself for a long climb I start up the mountain. The side we chose to begin on is the side most people go down. There were many steps, a bridge, and growing terraces of ancient Incan agricultural plots. There are couples laying out in the sun on the terrace, locals descending down the mountains with wild harvested herbs, cactus, and flowers. Next time I come, I want to be with a lover, having a picnic, and enjoying staring down on the town. Hopefully I will be more knowledgeable about local herbs and will harvest some of the beautiful plants available at such a high altitude.
![Panoramic View of Pisaq Climb](
![More panoramic views](
More panoramic views
After a slow ascent to the top, taking in such amazing views, me and some of the slower hikers, make it to the top and meet up with the rest of our group. The ruins at Pisaq, the view, and this mountain climb is so beautiful. Each step towards the top is invigorating, providing me with fresh crisp air. As a group we circle up just before the sunset to share our gratitude, challenges, and love for the moment. Being around the amazing humans on this trip is truly a gift. As I watch the sun set behind the mountains, listening to the group, each person teaching me valuable lessons of myself, the world, and the beauty of life.
Part way up Pisaq
Retreat Leader Hawah and I
My loves! The most amazing group of human beings 🙂
Sun burst, Laurie, Giancarlo, & Susan
Headstand at Pisaq Ruins
The ruins and I.
![Sunset Circle of gratitude](
Sunset Circle of gratitude
The group prepares to turn around and make the descent down the mountain. I slowly follow behind, not sure if I am ready to come down the mountain yet. Less than halfway down a bright start comes into the sky and I am frozen in my tracks.
![Saturn and Mountain](
Saturn and Mountain
Sitting down I start to wonder so many questions, am I selfish for wanting to stay on this mountain? Am I being a good person in the group? Who cares what I want to do and is it really valid? Am I going to ruin the whole group experience? I notice the group is getting far ahead and begrudgingly I begin to descend down the mountain again. I walk towards Hawah waiting for me to come back and hike down the mountain, each step a tear comes to my eyes. By the time I am standing next to him, I am in full cry mode. Where did this come from?
Side story: Just recently I experienced a moment where I broke down in a sob, tears, a real hardcore cry. I realized in that moment that even though I cry more than most, because I like to let go of the emotions that create this reaction in my body, that I do not nearly allow myself to let go and sob. I couldn’t remember the last time I allowed myself to just let go, not worry about what any one thinks, not worry about what I think most importantly, just let go and sob hysterically. From this experience I learned for myself I allow society to dictate my comfort level with allowing my inner emotion to shed light on the true feelings within. Something I thought I was good at, but obviously not. Due to this experience, I took a glance in Hawah’s direction and said, “I am not ready to come down this mountain. You can leave me here. I promise I can make it back safe, but please allow me to stay.”
On the side of the mountain the stars start peeking out one by one just like the doubts, questions, and concerns for who I am as a human being. I sit atop that mountain with Hawah, discussing down falls, or ways I do not think I am a good person, words a friend spoke to me recently that stir emotions deep within on my values, the ability for me to be a team player, and the lone wolf within. This leads into a silent meditation off alone confronting my inner demons, how I operate in group settings, the way I create distance in my life from everything, experiences, people, and nature. This moment sitting here faced to face with the mountains surrounding me, La Luna gracing me with her soft delicate power, and stars blinking bright in the sky. Stars that do not look so far away, the lessons of the mountain echoes through the soul, through one of the best moments on the mountain, realizing the “star” that initiated my curiosity to see the rest of the night sky on the mountain, is actually a planet as Hawah mentions. I am sure this planet is Saturn, the ruling planet of my zodiac sign, Capricorn, the teacher, the taskmaster. We watch this planet set in the mountain range and disappear. I realize the lesson of the mountain, time moves so much faster on top of a mountain. When we are down low we think the mountain is moving slow, but the reason why mountains can be so big, stay for so long, and have such an impact on the world is due to the fact time moves faster on a mountain, making days and years seem to fly by and not noticing how slow in relation you are moving. You see the sky move by faster, the sun set sooner, the moon rise, the stars fly by at a pace that makes you realize how fast we are actually moving in this galaxy, the universe, the expansiveness and relatedness of time is evident in this moment. The lesson of the mountain: hold your ground, stay true to your soul, life is moving fast and each second is so precious. Remember that once you climb there is always more to go, more ranges, more valleys to dip into, more mountain peaks, higher and higher, lower and lower. There is no end, there is no time, but there is infinite time.
I want to stay but hunger, thirst, and longing to be a part of the group wins out. Next time I plan on spending the night or more time on this mountain. I think staying on a mountain in Peru is a must in this lifetime. Watch the full spectrum of night, morning, day, and everything in between occur on top of a mountain. As we climb down the mountain this time smiles grace my face. I am forever transformed and grateful for the friendship and support within Hawah for accompanying me on this journey and the group for understanding. Best part is coming back to Melissa Wasi and the group being happy to see us, cheering, and so happy to hear the tale. I love this group!
by April Rameé | Feb 5, 2013 | Travel
One year, 11 months, and some odd hours since I last rode a bike in a city (not counting Burning Man). Last time I rode a bike through the streets I was hit by a car, rushed to John’s Hopkins Hospital, received 25+ stitches right under my knee cap, and had to learn how to walk all over again. I am lucky no serious damage occurred to my knee cap, the driver missed it by a hair. There are so many what if’s in that scenario, but it doesn’t matter. It happened, during the height of my yoga teacher training, my third consecutive month of all raw foods, and summer travel. After the accident, I returned to cooked foods, lounging around, attempting supta yoga postures, combating transitional depression, and hobbling around to pre-accident planned trips.
I didn’t set out to not ride a bike for that long of a time in a city, life flowed that way. It wasn’t like the time when I was 5 and bucked off a horse in an indoor ring with no injuries. I couldn’t just get back in that proverbial saddle. There is healing involved with a wound to a leg split open and sewed back together. It took me 2+ months to walk at a normal pace, not a DC walking pace, a normal walking pace. I am scared still even when walking about getting hit by a car. I moved out of Baltimore before I fully healed into Virginia and my bike was in storage. But today I rode a bike not once, but four times!
My morning Mysore yoga practice is easy to attend on Wednesday’s and Friday’s because I work from home. I drive my car, yes I am lazy, but I find it comforting, there isn’t the best public transit to the studio, and I do not have to pay to park until an hour into my session. What to do for Tuesday and Thursday? I see no reason to drive because my job is only a 20 minute walk away from the studio. Now entering….BIKE RIDING! I love being outside, not cooped up in a subway, seeing the sites, and the speed of a bike, but again, I am lazy. I do not want to ride my own bike to the studio and be responsible for locking it up and then biking home…there is a hill on the way home. Despite what everyone says, I do not think I am the person to get used to a hill or even begin to enjoy the challenge. Maybe one day, but today is not the day. Now bike riding downhill…I can do that 🙂
There is a capital bike share kiosk right outside my front door and one right outside the studio. I am thinking, jackpot! I can ride a bike then leave it,never worry about someone stealing the bike, repairs, or biking up the dreaded hill! Before I signed up for the whole membership I decided it is best to try out the bikeshare for a day. I wasn’t sure, will it work out? Will I freak out? Am I mentally prepared to ride near cars again? All of this running through my head this morning as I enter the code and take the bike out. I start on the sidewalks easing into the street when the sidewalk ends. Lucky for me it is 6am and most people aren’t on the road yet. I cruise down the street, going down the bumpy hill full of construction, looking at everything around me, feeling the cold air hit my nose, and a big grin comes to my face. I am doing it! I am riding a bike! I am conquering this fear of biking through the city. I am a true city dweller! Getting by with no car, no dependencies, feeling free ready to take on the world.
I pull up to the studio and see the capital bikeshare kiosk and WTF?! There is no place to put the bike. All the docking stations are full. What is a girl to do? I don’t want this bike…hell, I didn’t even know what I was doing on this bike in the first place. I guess I am so motivated to be at class I will risk my life and do the thing I am most scared of to get to class on time. Seriously, I am starting to lose my cool, is this a bad idea? Why in the world wouldn’t they know to have at least one open spot? How can anyone use the system if you can’t leave the bike when you get to your destination? Damnit I am here right on time and now I do not know what to do. I bike to the only other station close by and guess what?!?! No place to leave the bike there either! I pull up outside of the studio. Do I ask if I can bring it up before I go up there? No, these are one of those situations where you do first, ask later. Yes, I can be THAT girl sometimes. I start climbing up the narrow staircase with this heavy ass bike, trying to muster up my courage to not be fully embarassed when I crest the staircase with a clunky heavy city street bike in a quaint yoga studio.
A woman looks at me and says, “well you don’t see that everyday.” I agree, who does this? Lucky for me the person checking me in made accommodations for the bike. I hope to never do that again. After practice I walked the bike back down and started on my journey to work. This time there are more cars, but a funny thing happened on 15th street, they had a section for bikes to go in both directions and the parked cars blocked the moving cars from the bike lane. This was beautiful. I never thought about my route to work but I figured it out and the docking station right in front of my office building was free. Success! Despite the bike parking issue in the morning this bike share is pretty awesome.
I emailed and sent a message to the bike share customer service requesting they fix the issue. I understand they need bikes there for the early commute but sometimes there are people who bike before most commuters leave their house. They said there is an app that allows you to know the status of bikes at each station. I downloaded the app. I decided to go home and walk my dog during lunch so I took the metro home but then I thought, why not ride the bike back to work? A 20minute bike ride downhill might be pretty fun right now. This is just too much fun! This is the type of break that feels good during work. Less than an hour later I returned to work feeling fresh and free. Not my typical stay at the desk day. This is inspiring. Ideas are flowing for how to incorporate some bike action into the office. My third bike trip was a success.
![Raw Sake](
Raw Sake
Early that day I received a welcoming invitation to meet up for coffee in Dupont and figured why not? Drinking chamomile tea and writing in my journal as I waited for the person to arrive I realized what a wonderful city I live in, but what is the best is living as a tourist in my own city. Open to the possibilities of life. Having a set schedule but at the same time the flexibility to change course on a drop of a dime. After the meeting I decided happy hour was in session in my life….where to go? I googled best happy hours in Dupont and was underwhelmed by the choices and then I thought why not sushi? I guess all the endorphins had me going still from biking and I felt like making the best of the day. I found a cute quaint sushi place really close to where I was on 17th st and decided this is the spot. Not to mention they had a sweet restaurant week deal. I like to go to places alone sometimes and see who I can meet, maybe just read a book, or more than likely write in my journal. There I found my spot at the bar, but three ladies showed up and needed spots. I had one chair on either side of me empty so I moved to the end of the bar. Realizing that I probably might not sit next to anyone and that writing and enjoying this raw sake was my best bet at the moment. Then a girl walked up and set next to me with a book. I love women who read as I like to do so myself 🙂 I began pleasant conversation. At some point we got on the topic of me being a living muse. I inspired her to do something artistic and she inspired me to ride the bike share to U street metro instead of Dupont. Muhahhahahaha. I left the sushi place with a new friend, Sunday plans, and a possible idea to start a book club.
Time for my fourth trip on the bike. This time I multi-tasked and spoke on the phone with friends, conducted business, and rode through the streets. I have a head set so it was easy to talk and bike although maybe not the safest. I arrived to U street and there was no place to park the bike AGAIN! I went around for 20minutes trying to find a place to park the bike. By the time I returned to the first station there was an empty spot, so much for the app being right. I went down to the metro and sat to wait for the train looking at the clock I realized the time had come for the other invitation I received for an event on U street. I didn’t think I would still be out at 9pm but I was and figured hey, why not?! This bike riding has me doing the unexpected today. I guess a tribute night of reggae music to Bob Marley is in order.
I am not sure if I want to get a membership to the capital bike share, as everyone I explained my story to said this was a common problem, but I don’t know. I felt like I was at Burning Man today. On my bike, destination in mind, but the journey bringing me different places, new people, new events. I think living in a city that allows someone to get around in so many differnet ways is empowering. Who knows how many times I am going to bike some where just because I can without the commitment of biking to the next destination.
Limitations set upon myself opens doors of new possibilities. Maybe one day I will ride up that hill.
Limitless love and possibilities,
April Rameé